No. 68 (2010): Year XXXVIII - July-December

Editorial:  The Fictions and the Antithesis by P.L. Pagani
Fiction and Counter Attitude by A. Bianconi 
The Aesthetic Fiction in the Individual psychology Theory by D. Bosetto 
Psychotherapy: a Cure for the Fictions, a Fiction that Cures by C.Canzano
Fiction and Lifestyle by F. Di Summa B. Vidotto
Fictions and the Process of Change by S. Fassino 
Working on Fictions in Psychotherapy: the Meaning of Setting by A. Ferrero
Fiction in the Therapeutic Relationship Through Past, Present and Future by G.Ferrigno 
Network of Fictions by L.G. Grandi
Fictions and Life-Style by A. Mascetti 
Patient-Therapist Relation: the Meeting of Fictions by D. Munno G. Zullo S. Lerda
Vicissitudes of the Fiction by G.G. Rovera 

Published: 2010-12-31

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