No. 46 (1999): Year XXVII - July-December 1999

Editorial by P.L. Pagani
A.Adler Der Aggressionstrieb im Leben und in der Neurose
Alfred Adler on Wednesdays Evening to the Freud’s (Third Part)
Transference and Countertransference in the Adlerian Setting byP.L. Pagani G. Ferrigno 
Transference, Parataxic Distortion and Adlerian Therapy by C. Maddox

The Food of Shame by F. Maiullari
The “Narrative Pre-Texts” as Thought Laboratory in the “Clinical-Pedagogic setting” by I. Cacciatori
Art and Culture:  Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart - the Creative-Self and the Music of Joy by C. Berselli

Published: 1999-12-31

Full Issue