No. 59 (2006): Year XXXIV - January-July 2006

Editorial: Alfred Adler and the Relational Mind by G. Ferrigno
The Need of Tenderness of the Child by A. Adler 

“Sequential Brief-Adlerian Psychodynamic Psychotherapy” (SB-APP): Limited-Time Psycotherapy for Patients with Borderline Personality Organization  by A. Ferrero B. Simonelli 
The Sense of Life: Looking for Fiction by S. De Dionigi C. Gasparini
Aggressiveness and Will of Power Hypothesis and Comparisons to
Antonio Damasio’s Theory about Emotions and Feelings  by C. Canzano 
Social Constructivism and Adlerian Psychological Model Meaningful resemblances by C. Varriale 
Art and Culture: Aggression in “Young Hitler” by F. Porta
Art and Culture: “Creative-Self” and “Life Style” in the Movie “La febbre” by D. Andreoli

Published: 2006-07-31

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