No. 62 (2007): Year XXXV - July-December 2007
Editorial: The Work “of” the Dream, the Work “about” the Dream, the Work “with” the Dream: from the Dreamed-Dream to the Told Dream by G. Ferrigno
The Dream as a Subjective Experience from the Dawn of Civilisation to Date by P. L. Pagani
Am I Sleeping or I am Awake? by A. Anglesio
The Time Cure: Individual Psychology and Modern Psychopathology by G. Leccardi
Dis-Sociality and Self-Harming Behaviour in Borderline Personality Disorder: Two Clinical Cases by B. Simonelli et Alii
Art e Culture: Adlerian Finalism and Phenomenology:“Laura” meets “Evgenij Irtenev” di D. Bosetto