No. 41 (1997): Year XXV - January-June 1997
Editorial by G. Ferrigno
Comparative Analysis of the Recovery Process in Phobic Neuroses by F. Pagani P.L. Pagani
Alfred Adler in Philosophical Thought and in Italian Culture before Francesco Parenti and Pier Luigi Pagani. by E.E. Marasco
Patient, Family and Personalized Care Group: a Methodology of Intervention in Psychosis by M. Mazzone G. Saglio
“Cooperative Learning”: a Teaching Method which Encourages Social Interest by C. Varriale T. Baiano G. Garribba R. Orlando
The Different Aspects of the Striving for Power by A. Spatola
Art and Culture - “Huis Clos”: Paranoia, Depression, Homosexuality by F. Compan
Art and Culture - “Shine”: David Helfgott, a Clinical Case by C. Ghidoni