No. 63 (2008): Year XXXVI - Luglio-Dicembre 2008

Editorial: The Adlerian Emphatic Relationship and the Recomposition of Interindividuality by G. Ferrigno
Clinical and Theoretical Considerations on the Etero Destructive Behaviors and Suicide Risk in the Narcissistic Personality Disorder by E. Cairo et Alii
“Dissocial Feeling”. Theoretical and Clinical Aspects, Therapeutic Interventions by S. Lerda et Alii
Time and Modern Psychopathology by S. Pagani 
Art and Culture: Stendhal and the Adlerian Psychology by E.E. Marasco S. Marasco
Art and Culture: Sabina Spielrein and Carl Gustav Jung: “Prendimi l’anima” by S. Garolfi

Published: 2008-06-30

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