No. 91 (2022): Year L - January-June 2022
Editorial: Professional Growth as an Antidote to Current Complexities by G. Mazzoli
Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy: Intersubjective and Relational Elements by G. Eife E. Mansager K. H. Witte
The Development of Adlerian Thought over the Past Twenty Jears:
Some International Contributions by A. Ferrero
The Dream and Psychotherapy: Methodological Aspects by E. Fusaro
The Jellinek and Murphy’s Pediatric Symptom Checklist (PSC)
in the Adlerian Network Model by L. Marasco
Old and New Conditions in Sexuality: the Impact of Covid-19 in Intimate Relationships and Seeking of Affectivity by C. Artioli M. Bartoli
Elena’s Case Study: from the Social Withdrawal to a Work Alliance by A. Malfatti