No. 71 (2012): Year XXXX - January-June 2012

Editorial: In Memory of Pier Luigi Pagani by G.G. Rovera
From Adler’s Language of Organs to the New Psychosomatic Medicine per Se by S. Fassino M. Panero 
Borderline Pathology Specificity in Adolescence: Consequenceson Communication and Relationship Strategies According to Sequential Brief-AdlerianPsychodynamicPsychotherapy (SB-APP) by A. Ferrero 
Communication is Nothing Less Than Relation: a Comparison Between Individual Psychology and Phenomenological Psychiatry by G. Ferrigno E. Borgna 
Characteristics and Peculiarities of the Analytical Relationship in Individual Psychology by A. Mascetti 
Language and Explicative Comprehension by G.G. Rovera A. Gatti 

Published: 2012-06-30

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