resistenza al trattamento, dinamiche della relazione paziente-terapeuta, alleanza terapeutica, transfert, controtransfert, relazione terapeutica, resistenzaAbstract
Resistance to psychotherapy, a relational perspective- Resistance to psychotherapy is part of the key concepts of the classical psychoanalytic theory. The conception of this phenomenon, developed by Freud, still seems to influence the action of many professionals dealing with mental health. This despite the fact that Alfred Adler's writings present a vision of the same phenomenon which surpasses and considerably enriches the Freudian perspective, thanks to a greater attention to the dynamics of the patient- therapist relationship.
This proves to be very useful to avoid some risks that occur when the therapist interacts with the patient's lifestyle, for instance colluding or conversely contrasting its characteristics in an excessive way. If not sufficiently considered, these dynamics can hinder the development of a therapeutic alliance, which is one of the main treatment tools of psychodynamic approaches in psychotherapy. For this reason, this article deals with the complex topic of resistance to psychotherapy. Firstly the article focuses on trying to understand its role inside the psychoanalytic theoretical-methodological system, and then it takes into consideration the Adlerian vision of it, underlining its usefulness in psychotherapeutic practice