

  • Pier Luigi Pagani




“Individual Psychology recognized the amount of social feeling that dwells in every man and referred it to the inviolable part of human nature, to the innate predispositions that are waiting to be developed.
Individual Psychology refers to society as an unattainable ideal that points the way [...]. The present society, together with the power of the logic of human living, blesses those who second it and punishes those who oppose it or err. The growing influence of the ideal community in peoples' lives, on the other hand, creates the institutions that act to strengthen the weak, support those who fail, and restore those who err, taking into account the physical and mental well-being of all as an indispensable factor [...]. I by no means consider it praise that Individual Psychology is sometimes emphasized for rediscovering many positions lost from Christian teaching. I have always endeavored to make it clear that Individual Psychology is the heir of all the great movements whose aim is the welfare of humanity [...]. It is connected to all the great movements through that common impulse which guides the development of every science and every technology toward the higher growth of mankind and the welfare of all”

