counseling parentale, psicoterapia psicodinamica, genitori, dca, disturbi psichici, adolescenti, disagio adolescenziale, psicologia adleriana, psicologia individuale comparata, maternità, paternità, counseling parentale adleriano di gruppo, couseling parentale adleriano individuale, psicoterapia psicodinamica parentale, disturbi d'identità corporea, deficit dello sviluppo del sé, mentalizzazioneAbstract
In the context of eating disorders and of psychological disorders in adolescence, it is particularly useful to take care not only of the individual patient, but of the whole family. It is important that parents are not blamed as the cause of the disorder by therapists but see themselves involved in the treatment and change process of their children, allowing them to acquire awareness of the relational dynamics underlying the disorder. The psychoeducational component is configured as a solid basis of awareness relating to the patients' disorder, on which it becomes possible to build a path to access the emotional dynamics, which makes a profound reset achievable in the parent-child relationship. Clinical research are placing great attention on the role that the family environment plays in the genesis of personality and identity pathologies. Parental influences seem to have a fundamental importance also in shaping early psychological constructs (beliefs, visions of the self and the world), which in turn are the basis of personality development (temperament/character) and specific behavioral drifts. The psychodynamic approach can represent an effective tool, suited to the need to take care of the family, considered as a fundamental ally in the healing process of the member concerned