etica, psicologia individuale, psicoterapia adlerianaAbstract
Moral principles are the result of conventions varying the time and linked to several kinds of culture. However, some of these ones form what we can define an “ethical common denominator”, essential presupposition to live together in a harmonious and polite way. Individual psychology, that commits itself to form people conscious of their “unrepeatibility”, happy to express it and at same able to harmonize with other individualities, has in itself an inspiration just coinciding with his superior moral. So, the purpose of Adlerian Psychotherapy is to start patients to a balanced gratification of their own requirements in any field, not in a damaging way towards their fellow creature, but able to integrate themselves with them. So the adlerian psychotherapist cannot violate the pledge of respecting for the others and then he cannot plagiarize his patient, choking his free will