silence, communication, resistance, setting, teoria della tecnica psicoterapeutica, silenzio, resistena, comunicazioneAbstract
The author examined the different meanings the silence of the patient may take on in the psychotherapeutic setting and the related ways of intervention of the therapist, according to some Psychoanalytic schools and the Individual Psychology. According to depths psychologies taken into account, silence is communication even when is an expression of resistance to treatment. It may direct feelings, emotions, experiences, wishes, needs, particular for each patient and therefore should be interpreted only in an individual way. The silence as a way of resistance, according to Individual Psychology, is an expression of the instance of self-assertion which has the aim to safe guard the Self-Style of life and to search for security. Resistance and symptom considered as Self defence, oriented in a finalist way, are being taken back by some psychoanalytic currents of thought and inserted in their theoretic pattern. The Adlerian psychotherapist flexible, empathic attitude, aware to be involved in the relationship with the patient is even considered as the most effective behaviour to have facing a silent patient. The silence analysis is not only a tool to point out the resistance to psychotherapy and to the changing process, but may result, if the psychotherapist interacts in the corresponding way to the emotional states of the patient, a precious occasion to grasp and promote the expression of the emotions and creativity of the patient