We repropose to our readers, in memory of Maria Antonietta Tramonti, in our usual column Art and Culture, the article The ‘patient’ Robert Musil, particularly stimulating from a cultural point of view and compelling on a historical level, already published in the Rivista di Psicologia Individuale (NN. 15-16 November 1981 - March 1982), written and presented at the 2nd National Congress of the Society of Individual Psychology (Camogli, Genoa, 9-11 October 1981) by Maria Antonietta Tramonti, a woman of great preparation in the philosophical and psychological fields, a pupil of Francesco Parenti and an esteemed analyst of SIPI right from the beginnings of the Adlerian movement in Italy, who had been suffering for a long time and, unfortunately, passed away on 6 July 2001