paternal sense, ethic code, social feeling, etica, tenerezza, padre, individualità, sentimento socialeAbstract
The role of man and father in the modern society is going through such a terrible crisis that it is going to loose any authority and any function.
Individual Psychology holds this as a big failure and as a loss of an enourmous resource that will create values and educational gaps. The figure of the father must be reviewed and reproposed as something essential in order to formulate an ethic code, to support the social feeling, to create a life style , to reinforce the sense of authority and responsability, to give a response– with maternal figure– to the need of tenderness of the child and also, as a therapy, to recover the tardy fatherly function joined to the motherly one. The paternal sense in everyone’s life means the defence of an individuality that is currently threatened and it well represents the value of conflict meant as the encounter with creativity. Therefore not only paternage, but active and central paternity, an actual guardian of life passages from one generation to another