encouragement, liaison clinical psychology, transferernce, countertransferernce, transfert, psicoterapia a fasi, psicoterapia a fasi adleriana, incoraggiamento, controtransfertAbstract
Individual Psychology can be a valuable tool for Clinical Psychology in medical and mental disorders. Adlerian psychotherapy by Stein H.T., suitable in Liaison Clinical Psychology, usually privileges the two phases of support and encouragement; in this paper we underline the issues of the patient and the clinical psychologist individuality and their willingness of understanding. In this paper we remark the importance of the relationship as a pre-psychotherapic time in which the strategies of encouragement, whether implicit or explicit, the steps of analytical perception, of insight and persuasion, try to make fast therapeutic effects. Concerning psychopathological and clinical times, therapists should individuate timetables and way of encouragement, inspiring confidence and improving the deepest and most immediate transference and countertransference. Consequently, clinician can quickly recover the general plot of lifestyle, the sense of the disease and the “direction of the cure” through the change, healing, or the terminal stages of life. Particular attention is given to: intervention models and organization of the liaison, psychological-clinical assessment, medical and surgical patterns in comorbidity with mental disorders. Clinicians should be aware of contraindications of analytical and psychotherapic treatments investigating the possibility to focus their interventions on fast modifying areas where clinical psychologist is the evolution instrument within a relationship articulated according to a cycling of sessions planned and limited at the moment of hospitalization