fiction, idols, hypothesis, rete, ipotesi, stile di vita, finzioneAbstract
According to the author “fiction” is a specific positivistic interpretation of the universal values of knowing and acting. We will discuss the relationship which goes from the “ideal” to reality, with reference to the “idealistic positivism”, by making real some beliefs which stem from a unique attitude of the soul coming from the most intimate needs, that stabilize and seduce, without the subject truly penetrating the being. In this way the author establishes a connection to the philosophy of Vaihinger, where the “as if” refers primarily to cognitive processes, which are organizations and systems of science. All human knowledge is fiction. To know is not to reflect passively and reproduce the real, but to orient oneself to the practical means of reality. We will then emphasize the psychological distinction between fiction and hypothesis, and between fiction and half fiction. The fictional theory assumes significance as the “technology of the logical function” which allows to define the value of ideas, principles, categories, universal patterns, etc.. in relation to the punctuality of perceptual experience. There is therefore a pragmatic subordination of knowledge to life and will propose examples of the most frequent and archaic “idols” which often preside - even in an incongruous way- human action