Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy (CADP) A Meeting Point for the CADP and San Francisco Adlerian School


  • Simone Spina


classical adlerian depth psychoterapy, feeling of community, fiction, processo psicoterapeutico, sentimento di comunità, finzione, spiritualità


The Classical Adlerian Depth Psychotherapy, a contemporary inspiring and creative psychotherapy adhering to the core of Alfred Adler’s original theory, has gradually matured into its current form thanks to the con tributions of Kurt Adler and some unsungearly Adlerians like Lydia Sicher, Anthony Bruck, Alexander Müller, Erwin Wexberg, Alexander Neuer, Sophia De Vries. Henry Stein trained by Sophia De Vries and Anthony Bruck, is now the leading Adler’s lineage-holder, having enriched his theory with some outstanding contributions like, among others, the integration of Abraham Maslow’s vision of optimal human functioning, an adaptation of the Socratic Method, the comprehensive description of the process of Life Style Diagnosis as it was done by Adler himself and the complete English translation of his Clinical Works. The aim of this paper is to share with the Adlerian community some personal reflections on the importance that going back to the original Adler’s theory, particularly to his Theory of Fictions and to the concept of Feeling of Community, has today for its profound technical, philosophical, ethical, and spiritual implications. The great potentialities of this psychotherapy approach have become evident to me through my weekly discussions with Henry Stein, on my transition path to becoming a Classical Adlerian analyst

