Competition / Cooperation



  • Gian Giacomo Rovera


competizione, cooperazione


Competition and cooperation are two terms that have opposite polarities, but for some they are antithetical meanings and for others contrary, constituting two sides of the same coin or rather two subsystems of the same system.
Beyond common definitions, as far as dynamic psychologies and especially Comparative Individual Psychology (C.I.P.) are concerned, competition and cooperation have similar precursors but different finalities.
Competition often masks a feeling of inferiority, but with fi nality aimed at supremacy. Moreover, if it is associated with an aggressive component, it can come to a distorted will to power.
Cooperation is also rooted in a feeling of inferiority, but is offset by operant thinking, correlated with intelligence functioning, with finality of cooperation and with reinforcement of social interest. It can also tend to levels of value and ethical motivation

