Patient-Therapist Matching



  • Gian Giacomo Rovera


patient-therapist maching


The meanings pertaining to the theory and practice, of "patient-theraphist matching" serve therapeutic purposes, but also to shine a special light on the actual relationship that activates the theme of Attitude and Counter-Attitude (C./C.A.) of the therapeutic couple, it also becomes an important complement to psychopathology; general, clinical and dynamic.
Every therapeutic matching has a dividing line between what is justified by commonly valid assumptions of knowledge and the intentional movement, toward a therapeutic purpose, inherent in the therapeutic Style, tested theoretically, pragmatically and culturally. So that in order to be able to define the relationship as a tool for a research activity, if the rules of the game are important, the individuals in the field are equally relevant, if not even a priority since it is they who play " de facto" the therapeutic game in a mutative sense

