Homage and tribute of gratitude to Prof. G. G. Rovera
This 80th issue of the Review is entirely dedicated to Gian Giacomo Rovera, for several years President of our Society and of the International Adlerian Association IAIP, since last year Honorary President SIPI and Honorary Editor of the Review.
It is a due tribute to his activity as a clinician, researcher, university lecturer and Didactic trainer of generations of Adlerian analysts. The intent is to make available to SIPI Members some of his important but unavailable studies in the Journal. It is not easy to choose from his vast scientific production, favoring contributions not yet published in our Journal. Five linkable articles have been included in a thematic path, considered particularly topical, identified among the different strands characterizing Rovera's production, sticking as far as possible to a chronological order. The line of development, at least in retrospect perceptible among the contributions reproposed here, recognizable as a guideline, is that of the transformative or change agent of psychotherapy referable to a rigorous methodological, cultural and theoretical-technical framework of Individual Psychology (IP), more than one hundred years after its founding