About the Journal

The Journal of Individual Psychology is the scientific organ of the S.I.P.I. It was founded by the group of early Italian Adlerians who, led by Francesco Parenti, had given birth to the S.I.P.I. The first issue of the Journal appeared in March 1973 and, in its programmatic manifesto, stated that the purpose of the S.I.P.I. was to “promote studies, research, publications and scientific events in the medical-psychological field, inspired by the orientation of Adlerian Individual Psychology. ”Subsequent publications have maintained the regular semi-annual cadence, and the number of issues published will reach, at the end of the current year 2023, the number 94 to mark the first 50 years of the Journal's life. Since 1977, 15 Quaderni and several special issues have also been published, marking the scientific journey of the Italian Society of Individual Psychology and the evolution of Adlerian theory.

The Journal has gradually documented developments in knowledge of the theoretical principles and operational practice of Individual Psychology, offering Members the space to share the outcomes of their clinical experiences and field research. With this in mind, the Journal was the vehicle for the circulation of ideas and the basis for in-depth comparisons and discussions among early analysts. Early articles reflecting on the application of theoretical principles, narrating the ways of doing analysis according to the directions of Individual Psychology allowed the maturation of operational skills of relevant utility for the training of new analysts.

As the years went by, the growth of S.I.P.I. due to the increase in the number of Analysts and Cultural Members enriched the Review with new contributors and the number of shared experiences grew. The areas of the clinic for the use of Individual Psychology in different stages of the life cycle and in different psychopathological frameworks have also been articulated. The range of interests has also been expanded to include reflections on psychopedagogy, issues in organizational settings, legal psychology, and specific social and artistic content.

The current format of the Review includes an Editorial by the Editor and a variable number of articles that can be published after review by Referees. The Review also hosts Case-studies that address aspects of clinical psychotherapeutic and analytical practice. A section is also devoted to Reviews of recently published volumes that present aspects of novelty.

The seriousness and correct scientific approach of the Review has obtained indexing since 2008 by the National Research Council, that is, the assignment of the ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) code for the purpose of its registration in the ISSN International Archive, based in Paris, and searchable online.

Browsing the articles, possible in the appropriate section of the site, allows searching by Author and/or by words contained in the title, giving researchers access to a rich source of information on Individual Psychology.