Il sogno nella psicoterapia individualpsicologica. Riferimenti recenti alle neuroscienze


  • Secondo Fassino
  • Carla Gramaglia

Parole chiave:

dream, individualpsychology, neuroscience, sogno, multimedialità, memoria esplicita e dichiarativa, psicologia individuale, neuroscienze, significato


In this paper are shortely considered recent neurophysiological and functional data about dream that include also its important role in consolidating memory. The dream would consent recollecting presymbolic and preverbal experiences, emotionally strong (stored
in implicit memory), by their symbolization “even without recollection”, their pensability and their final verbalization. In Individual Psychology context, dream is considered as a link between dreamer’s problem and the aim that he/she pursues. Moreover, dream is discussed refferring to action mechanisms of psychodynamic psychotherapy, of explicative formulation and of meaning moments.
Finally we consider some addresses and clinical research developments about dreams, useful for new acquisitions about dream functions in psychotherapy. Adler’s hypothesis about dream function as an “ineffabile” comunication-emotion and as a link between oneself and fictitious aim, past and future, are confirmed by recent neuroscience data. Talking about, in, with, dreams seems to be even more important than their cognitive interpretations; the emotional atmosphere of the dream, the implicit language of the oneiric set produce other and new– encouraging or discouraging– deep emotions


